Original Oil by Todd Bonita |
Oil Painting for Beginners
(January 08 - February 26, 2015). (8 Weeks)
Thursdays 9:00am – 12:00pm ($240)
Brush and Palette, North Hampton, NH
(Limit 14)
Brush and Palette, North Hampton, NH
(Limit 14)
Call Mary Vermeersch to register: (603) 778-0685
CLICK HERE for all of the particulars on my web site, including supply list and syllabus.
This class is geared towards true beginners...those who have been too shy to take a painting class because they feel they would not be up to par with the other students or you were afraid to try...In this class you will be amongst like minded spirits sharing the experience in a positive and supportive environment. There are already several signed up and we would love for you to join us.
Call Mary Vermeersch to register (603) 778-0685