My name is Todd Bonita, I'm an oil painter from the New Hampshire sea coast. This blog page is to journal my progress at the easel. Please feel free to contact me at
My art director asked me to add a Duck or a Goose to the Easter farm themed animals. here is "Easter Goose". I also watercolored the sheep from my sketch on January 11.
I did several sketches for outdoor porcelain bunny's and these two I colored for production. They will be sculpted and cast in porcelain and produced as candy containers.
Here is the "Bunny Family". They will be developed into several applications: Paper pulp figures mounted on a small wooden box with a drawer and sold as a candy box. They will also be porcelain candy containers and metal garden stakes.
For every image that's approved for production, there are dozens of drawings that get the "X" for one reason or another. I could easily wallpaper my house with the collection of rejected drawings I have. Some of them resurface years later, reworked or otherwise but most remain on the island of misfit drawings.
Here are some that did not make it to Easter production.
A lot of my sketches lately have included images of animals on wheeled vehicles. "Bunny on Motor Scooter" is another illustration I did that will be sculpted and cast in Resin.
Back to Easter illustrations. A large part of my work is developing holiday concepts. I really enjoy doing these designs that are to eventually become small collectible sculptures. This is "Bunny on motor scooter with sidecar". It will be cast in resin and have movable parts.
I submitted several conceptual illustrations for the "Folk Art Santa" line. Items will include Dinnerware, plates, bowls, mugs, platters, etc...There will also be an advent calendar, Christmas card holder, ornaments, and resin sculpted figures. This line is for Christmas 2006.
This is "Snowman on Sled", it's a scanned pencil drawing and digitally colored in Photoshop using a Wacom Tablet. This will be a resin sculpture on a metal sled and is designed for Christmas 2006.
Here is the Third design for an Easter 2007 line I am working on for the Foreside Company. "Easter Sheep". These farm animals with Bunny ears and Easter baskets will be cast in resin or Papier Mache. I am currently developing the pallet and would like them to have a whimsical Folk Art feel.
Hello there, my name is Todd Bonita, I am an artist from Greenland, New Hampshire. I'm going to use this blog as a forum to post my artwork every day for a year. Starting today, I will post a drawing, painting, design, sculpture or art of any kind I feel like posting for the next 365 days.
Today, I am posting a sketch of an "Easter Cow" that I'm designing to be a resin or Papier Mache sculpture.