Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bow (finish)

Finally finished this last night. It was simply a matter of finding the time and I'm glad I did, I think I learned a few things from this painting. For one, I like to apply the paint to the surface with a pallet knife and then go into it with a brush. By doing so, I discovered an appeal in the variety of brush work and pallet knife strokes. When it came time to paint the snow on the dock, I realized the snow worked better left as is, with the pallet knife strokes. Variety and contrast in shape, color and value are all important to add interest to a painting, it only makes sense that variety in brushwork can also contribute to the beauty of a finished work.

"Bow" is oil on gessoed medium density fiberboard. (11x14")

(Click on image for a larger view)


  1. You really captured this lighting. The pinks, blues and yellows set the mood.

  2. Wonderful light and design.
