I finished this small dinghy painting last night that I'm calling' "Ol Red". He looks like he's been around the block a few times and his sides have been banging against the dock for a few dozen seasons. He could tell you tales, sing shanties and match you shot for shot at the Sea Snatch Inn whiskey bar by the docks. He's a hard worker. He's the goods.
but I digress...(The author would like to take a moment to recover from his own babbling tomfoolery). Thank you.
I experimented with a thicker under painting with this piece, using under painting white and Burnt Umber Alkyd (both are quick drying and allow for a thicker and more stable surface and an opportunity to establish texture early on). I also used Galkyd light medium (also quick drying) which allowed for many layers of glazing in a short period of time. I did this piece relatively quick (for me) and will continue to explore this process.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the Sea snatch Inn for a whiskey.