I finished this painting about two weeks ago but have been busy as a bee getting ready for my first one-man show coming up the first week of August, I'll post about that soon. Anyhoot, I finally had a chance to scan and post this tonight. My wife came up with the name for this about ten minutes ago; "Reflection". I'm a fan of the one-word titles..I think this is well suited for this painting. This is 11x14" oil on wood panel. the boat is from a reference photo I took on Cape Cod about three years ago..I did a similar version of this painting in 2006 and it's neat to see how much my work has changed since then by comparing them. Click this link to see the original version I called "quiet time": http://painting-life.blogspot.com/2006/07/quiet-time.html
After I tightened the drawing I pretty much painted this off the cuff, making up most of what you see here in the finish. This will be in my one man show August 7th at The Gallery at Mills Falls in Meredith, NH on lake Winnapasaukee.