I would like to invite you to my 2009 artist open studios event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on December 05 and 06 from 11 to 5p. This takes place at the Button Factory artist building at 855 Islington street...it's the 23rd year for the building and the fourth for me. This is our annual holiday event where we open our studio doors and invite you all in and includes over 70 artist...painters, photographers, sculptors, woodworkers, jewelers...and even a guy who makes wooden boats by hand. Lots of creative types and some unique holiday gifts. I am in studio #224..second floor, take a left and I'm all the way in the back...I share a studio with Lynn Crocker, the book binder. I'll have wine, beer, water and of course cream soda. My Mom usually bakes something nice too. Please feel free to stop by and say hello.
Here is a link to the Button factory web sight that includes directions and more info..hope to see you.