I just finished this (11x14") oil on wood panel painting I'm titling, "Portsmouth Tugs". I used photo reference from an amazing photographer friend, John Winslow. He does everything; landscape, animals, people and architecture. I hope to reference more of his photos in the future. As a painting, I exaggerated the atmospheric perspective between the tugs to give a deeper feeling of space between them. I did this using sharper value contrast, sharper edges and more saturated color on the tug in the foreground..I wanted it to pop in front of the second and third tugs.
This painting will be part of a solo exhibition I am having at The Kennedy Gallery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Friday, August 6, with an opening reception from 5-9p. This is my first mention of it on my blog. I will send out my email notice and postcards to follow. If you are not on my email notice list and you would like to be, please drop me an email at tmbonita@gmail.com and I will be happy to include you. I send out notices about twice a month including events and new paintings as I finish them.
I have a lot of small paintings that will be hanging in this show. they are currently in my studio in various stages of completion...please check back, I will post them as I finish them.
(Been busy painting for this upcoming show but I still intend to post my notes and more photos from the Don Demers workshop I recently took on Cape Cod).