Ali and me Opening night |
Not possible without this gal, her love, support, sacrifice and hard work.
Lucky guy with some hilarious and very cute women. |
I just realized while posting this, I'm holding a print one of the girls bought titled, "First day of the rest of your life"...how cool. Hope that's a good omen.
With friend Howard Gallagher |
Howard brought me two beautiful plants and some well wishes. Howard has been representing my oil paintings up north in Camden, Maine, he is the owner of the
Camden Falls Gallery and a genuine spirit!
With debbie Powers, owner of the Beth Ellis Gallery, upstairs from my space. |
Behind us is "The Beast" at (30x72"), I think it's the largest painting I've ever done. Above that is a quote installed by the late Beth Ellis, "Follow your dreams"....another good omen I hope.
With one of my favorite families, the very awesome James Gang!!! |
With Mom (in the middle with straw hat) and childhood friends. |
I felt like a million clams surrounded by the unconditional love and support of my family and friends...awesome feeling!
With Childhood friend, JohnnyHames and a painting with him as model. |
This was one of several paintings at the gallery with my childhood friend Johnny Hames as the model. Johnny took the liberty of signing the back of some of them...he even signed a few that he wasn't in. Not sure if that raises or lowers the value but it had us rolling.
Stickbird was there too.... |
My good friend Bones drove down from Vermont to deliver a squeaky clean bottle of Johnny Walker Blue |
Then we opened it... |
Leanne and Mario |
Christine and Nancy |
Display window |
...Johnny Walker flowed |
...and flowed... |
Ali and I rented a room in Perkins Cove while the rest continued the flow...I got this photo text long after I went to bed. |
hahaaaaa...then I got this one even later... |
Thank you everyone for a night I'll never forget, you're all so awesome and supportive, I love you all.