Study for "Still" (8x10") oil on wood panel
I was reading about an artist on Cape Cod who does a small and large version of each painting at the same time. She uses the smaller study to experiment and help to keep the larger one loose. it makes sense to me...I already have the paint mixed and the composition worked out, so why not?
This post represents my first attempt at this idea and I must say that I can definitely see the benefits. the top image is the smaller (8x10") version and the second painting (shown framed) is the larger (16x20"). They are both on wood panel. I did indeed approach the larger painting with a looser
temperament and more confidence than I think I normally would have. I think this confidence reveals itself in the brush work and overall feel of the piece. What a eureka moment.
Another bonus was I think I was looser on the smaller piece as well, a complete attitude switch has taken place. I want to recommend this approach to any artist reading this...give it a try on at least one painting and I'll bet you a two pound wedge of cheese that you'll notice an attitude difference that comes accross in the work..and that aint' the booze talkin.
Hi Todd. I'll often do a small and large version of the same painting. It helps me sort out design and color but also I find that my strokes on a small painting are different than when I have more area to cover and I like comparing the two. It is a good way to learn about what you can do. I always feel more confident going into a large piece when I have the small one to fall back on.
Hi Todd - love your site! I too try to do a small piece (lately in prismacolor) to play with color and even composition mmore freely ~ then make a decision as to painting it and the size. It defiinatly makes for a more 'at ease' piece! Great site!
Thanks to you both. I'm convinced myself! A small study is the way to go.
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