"October" (2.5x3.5") Oil on wood
Thats right, just two-and-a-half by three-and-a-half inches. I started this as an experiment with paint..trying out technique and exploring the medium on the smaller scale. I can accomplish experimentation faster this way.
I'm calling this October for the obvious reason that the image is a baseball and October is what it all comes down to in the American past time. This worn out ball pretty much sums up the season by the time October rolls around..injuries, emotional roller coasters, wins and losses, etc..it's all in there. If Red Sox fans look closely, you can see the scar from when the Sox traded Manny earlier in the season. it's right next to the series of scars left by Ortiz, Lowell, Beckett, Ellsbury and the severe beating handed down by the Rays. Not to mention the late games and the five and a half hour marathon game over the weekend that anti-climaxed in a late night (early morning) Sox loss.
Anyhoot, I've got my fingers crossed for a Red Sox come back of gargantuan proportions.
Fantastic painting - I can't be;ieve you can work so much magic in such a small area...
Great painting.
As a diehard, almost-lifelong Phillies fan, I have a moment of rest in the sheer joy and adrenaline overload...
I used to live in Philadelphia (my favorite American city) and became a Philly fan but strictly on a National league basis. I don't want to jeopardize my Red Sox nation status and want to be clear that I'm a Sox fan first. I'm real happy to see Philly in the series again, it should be a great match up. I would have loved to see a Sox-Phillies series, that would have been too cool..those damn Rays are so good and young. Go Phillies.
and what a comeback it was....keep painting those little gems my friend! Nice work.
Hey Dan,
Thanks my man..I wrote my last reply last night after I turned the tv off (The Sox were losing 7 to nothing in the seventh with Pappelbon in..the fans at Fenway were leaving and I simply couldn't take it anymore. Everything was going wrong for the Sox and i didn't want to watch the Rays victory parade in Fenway...one can only bear so much anguish after this long season and rays beating. Anyhoot, I found out this morning the Sox came back..AGAIN..to win 8 to 7..I still can't believe it. I don't know how the rest of the series will turn out but I'm thrilled they live to play another day...Just can't believe it..Go Sox!
Sometimes I think the Sox wait for me to go to sleep before doing something fantastic. I love those rascals!
"October" is a wonderful little painting, Todd. That roughed up baseball has been through a lot, but maybe has a bit more play in it!
Your mudflats story was horrifying. I went to college in Alaska and heard about the dangers of the mudflats but hadn't heard an actual account. Sometimes I think because of all of our technology and advancements we are protected in some way and forget how fragile we can be.
Todd, wow, i love how you captured the texture of that baseball. it looks so real. Holly
I had to stop at the Baseball post first. Yes the Rays had it going and complacent Two time World Series Sox fans like me were feeling pretty magnanimous during the final harrah. Also, my friends from New Jersey are avid Phillies fans and were well rewarded.
That doens't mean anything when it comes to spring baseball. I wantto WIN!
Oh Yeah, I went to bed too. How about the folks who were getting into their cars when the "Come Back Kids", came back!
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