I rent an art studio space at the Button Factory in Portsmouth, NH and they are having their annual "OPEN STUDIOS"..woo-hoo...the 22nd year. this will be the second time I will participate and if you are reading this you are invited. Please come if you can, it's a very cool thing to do on the first weekend in December. I've got a bunch of paintings I'll have on the walls and there are over 70 other artist to see in the building..tons of art..a very good time. Wine, cheese, art and laughs...a fellow couldn't ask for anything more.
I'm posting another miniature painting along with a copy of the Open studio invite. The Miniature doesn't even have a name yet...lets call it "Cow #3 until further notice. It's only (2.5 x 3.5") oil on wood panel. I framed it with a very cool little frame I bought on Ebay. If you would like to purchase this little painting for $100, I will sell it to the first person who emails me at tmbonita@gmail.com.
I will be having an online pre-sale next week for subscribers to my oil painting blog.
I will give subscribers a first look at the new works and an opportunity to purchase the paintings that will be in my Open Studio show in December. If you would like to be on my oil painting email list and be part of this pre-sale, please send me an email at tmbonita@gmail.com with "subscribe" in the heading or body of the email somewhere.
thanks again for looking and I sincerely hope to see some of you at the Open house..please introduce yourself and have a glass of wine with me.
All the best,
Todd Bonita
I can hardly believe you can fit all that cow on such a tiny wood panel. It's gorgeous!
Have a great Open Studio!
Amazing details on such small scale! Wow! I wish I were in NH, I'd visit your open studio. I loved Portsmouth and at one time was almost convinced by my husband that we ought to move there. Unfortunately I like the milder winters here. Happy Painting,
p.s. I've added a link to your blog on my blog.
Love the tiny cow that could be any size if you hadn't told us!
I love Open Studios more than anything. Ours was very successful this year and I was happy.
We were in Sedona the week of your Open House, but I would like to get up there next year with some of the other bloggers from here. I did have one new blogging friend (Katie May taking it day by day) from Ipswich come down to meet me and visit. I was so pleased to meet her!
Check out my alternative blog for a post of our Sedona Hot air balloon ride. It was amazing!
Happy New Year to you and yours,Todd.
Paint like the wind.
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