This was two weeks ago and I'm finally getting around to assembling photos and posting a bunch from my recent workshop on Monhegan Island in Maine.
Monhegan Harbor and Dock
On the Tuesday after labor day, September 06, a group of painters gathered here on the Island for a four day painting workshop, I'm still floating from how much fun it was.
Here are some of the misfits, hooligans, crackpots and characters who helped make this one of the best weeks I ever had. That's Barb Bodin with the pink socks, Patty Bonita is behind her (my Mom), Rockport painter Jean Byrd, Me and standing is pack mule Roy Nickerson.
Surf at lobster Cove was quite a show thanks to hurricane Katia.
The Red house, Fish beach and Manana Island...
Pat Nickerson's Thalo Blue period...She even managed to get some on her feet.
Adirondack's in front of the Island Inn, overlooking the harbor and Atlantic.
Lighthouse with Dory
Pat and her husband Roy hosted a pasta dinner the first evening to meet, greet and eat. She rented a cottage on Fish beach overlooking the harbor and Manana Island.

Fish beach.
Color theory chat at lunch time on Pats porch.
Jamie Wyeth's house on Lobster Cove

Demo painting at the lighthouse.
The Village.

Barbara Bodin en plein air.

Patty (my Mom) and me at Port Clyde harbor before heading home. I will be hosting another workshop next year on Monhegan Island. The dates are tentative but in all likelihood will be August 28 - 31, 2012. Please contact me via email or phone for early registration. Check my web sight for updated information

Gret pic! Glad you got to spend quality time togather:)
Thanks bro, it really was a nice time...definitely an annual event.
Amazing Painting. Thanks for sharing.
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Man, I can't stop painting those scenes, Todd! That island got my art soul souring! (Maybe that's why we all felt like we were "flying" and couldn't come down once home?) Can't wait until next year! Amazing fun! Pat N.
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