I finished this painting about two weeks ago but have been busy as a bee getting ready for my first one-man show coming up the first week of August, I'll post about that soon. Anyhoot, I finally had a chance to scan and post this tonight. My wife came up with the name for this about ten minutes ago; "Reflection". I'm a fan of the one-word titles..I think this is well suited for this painting. This is 11x14" oil on wood panel. the boat is from a reference photo I took on Cape Cod about three years ago..I did a similar version of this painting in 2006 and it's neat to see how much my work has changed since then by comparing them. Click this link to see the original version I called "quiet time": http://painting-life.blogspot.com/2006/07/quiet-time.html
After I tightened the drawing I pretty much painted this off the cuff, making up most of what you see here in the finish. This will be in my one man show August 7th at The Gallery at Mills Falls in Meredith, NH on lake Winnapasaukee.
Todd, I haven't visited your blog for about a week and am so glad to see this painting as well as the earlier one in comparison. I can definetly tell the difference. In the earlier one - the reflection of the boat plays the major role in the painting. In the new painting - the reflection is more subdued and reads much more real - the water too has become much more transparent, hence more real. The boat itself looks better because of the rust and age. So all together, I would say WOW! Congratulations on your artistic growth.
Hi Mary,
Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to compare and comment. For me personally, it's been baby steps in terms of growth. From chatting with other painters I think thats how it goes and hopefully over the years all those baby step turn into one big leap. I was reading Stapleton Kearns blog and he was saying that it actually gets harder to paint the more you improve..kind of makes sense in a weird way. So many agree that the bottom line is to simply turn painting into a habit..a "slow and steady wins the race" philosophy. thank you for your comments mary. All my best to you,
I read Stape's blog too. Good stuff there. I agree that it gets harder and harder to paint well - maybe because as I grow, I can see so many mistakes. When I go back to look at paintings I did a few years ago - I am amazed that I could have considered them good - they look terrible to me now. What was I thinking?
Hi Todd,
I love checking out your blog every once in awhile. Beautiful paintings as usual. I think I'm seeing a very soft surface on your latest pieces. Still hoping to come up and paint with you sometime.
Cheers, Mark
Hi Todd. I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your beautiful paintings, since discovering you on Brushspace (I was a featured artist there myself until recently). I can never tire of seeing little rowing boats, so keep painting!
All the very best
Thanks for the kind words Mark, always appreciate it, particularly from you. Your work is too good. Would love to paint with you, lets set it up for sometime in mid August. I'll be in touch and shoot you an email.
all the best my friend.
Thank you April, I clicked over to your blog and saw some incredible sea scape works, you've really got the magic over there in Ireland. Good for you. You also have a fan over here in the US.
Thanks for your sweet words.
best regards,
I just love the blue interior of the boat, perhaps because it appears to be the most saturated color and it it so exquisitely situated/compositionally.
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