Thursday, May 03, 2018

OGUNQUIT SUMMER SCHOOL of ART 5th Anniversary Student Exhibition

"Hamilton House Plein air workshop demo by Tom Hughes" (8x10") oil.

June 01 - Sept, 2018. (Reception, Friday,  June 01, 5:30 - 7:00pm)
Sarah Orne Jewett House Museum and Visitor Center,
​5 Portland Street, South Berwick, Maine

"Unrivaled for Beauty", an exhibition of paintings inspired by the Hamilton House by students and teachers of the Ogunquit Summer School of Art.  Join us in celebrating our fifth year with our first ever student exhibition.  This summer long show is hosted by the Sara Orne Jewitt House Museum and visitors center in South Berwick, Maine and will be up through the first week of September.

See the show online and Student participation info CLICK HERE.
(From their website:) 
"Hamilton House seems to me unrivaled for the beauty of its situation, for a certain grand air which I have found it hard to match in any house I have ever seen." - Sarah Orne Jewett, "River Driftwood," 1881
Modern-day artists of the Piscataqua region often cite Hamilton House as an inspiration to their creative work. Unrivaled for the Beauty: Views of Hamilton House by Students of Ogunquit Summer School of Art showcases depictions of Hamilton House by students and master instructors, including noted regional artist Todd Bonita.

See the exhibition, meet artists , and enjoy light refreshments.  Free to the public.


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Francis W said...

Thanks for writing this

Henry said...

I look forward to seeing this beautiful exhibit.