Twas a score and seven years ago
According to nautical lore.
Captain Sweed the salty pirate
Set sail from Paddocks shore.
Took with him his compainions
His scurvy, sea dog friends.
Twas upon this very voyage
The legend of old Sweed was penned.
He stood five foot tall and one inch more
With a beard of forty years.
He'd a broken nose, a crooked hip
And the strength of ten bucaneers.
A scabbard hangs by his wooden leg
A pistol from his vest.
A portrait of his smilin' mum
Is tattood upon his chest.
"I'm Christopher Ichabod Sweedenpoop
Or Cap'n Sweed to you.
Pirate of the Seven Seas
Master of me ship n' crew".
Todays post is a doodle of Pirate Captain Sweed, I wrote a really bad story four years ago in an attempt to write a children's book about this character based on my scurvy friend who we call the Sweed. In the story, he is shipwrecked and eats his own eye to survive. You can see why Houghton-Mifflin would reject such a tale.
I've been doodling this character and similar versions of him and his sea dog mates in my sketchbooks ever since.
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